Driving Spaceships 101

At some point in a person’s life there comes a time when they find a second home. For many, that home takes the form of a spaceship. Whether that ship is the USS Enterprise, the Battlestar Galactica, the Serenity, the Millennium Falcon, or the TARDIS, we all have that one ship that will always be…

Children of The Final Frontier (Pt.4)

This is the fourth and final installment of the “Children of The Final Frontier” series. I want to thank my guest writers David, Rebecca, Rashid, and Trevor for sharing a piece of their histories, their insights, and their love of Star Trek with myself and others! Thank you all for participating! This series is dedicated…

Children of The Final Frontier (Pt.3)

This is the third installment of the “Children of The Final Frontier” series. I want to thank my guest writers David, Rebecca, Rashid, and Trevor for sharing a piece of their histories, their insights, and their love of Star Trek with myself and others! Thank you all for participating! This series is dedicated to the…

Children of The Final Frontier (Pt.2)

This is the second installment of the “Children of The Final Frontier” series. I want to thank my guest writers David, Rebecca, Rashid, and Trevor for sharing a piece of their histories, their insights, and their love of Star Trek with myself and others! Thank you all for participating! This series is dedicated to the…

Children of The Final Frontier

This is the first installment of the “Children of The Final Frontier” series. I want to thank my guest writers David, Rebecca, Rashid, and Trevor for each sharing a piece of their histories, their insights, and their love of Star Trek with myself and others! Thank you all for participating! This series is dedicated to…